The Cyberworld of James A. Petrait

Welcome to my Cyberworld which is a part of my Cyberuniverse sytem of home pages. The photo of Comet Hale-Bopp that appears at the heading was taken and computer-processed by me.

(Updated on February 25, 2003)


I had the privilege of being one of the 100 biology teachers to be selected for the Access Excellence program sponsored by Genentech in the San Francisco area in the latter part of June, 1996. What a fantastic experience that was! Not only was I introduced to using a Macintosh Powerbook but I also was able to meet many other interesting and accomplished teachers and mentors. A high point of the Access Excellence program was the performance of Lily Tomlin at the California Academy of Science. She carried on a live, large screen, real time videophone call with Vice-president Al Gore in addition to many other acts. I also got some excellent tours of Genentech's high tech drug making facilities. I felt like the winner in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"! Now I know how to use DOS, Windows, MAC, Unix, and HTML. The Macintosh Powerbook has given me the opportunity to really access the WWW. This is not to say that Windows cannot do it as well but that the MAC has much more operating power in it. I have been a DOS fan and I still am but the MAC's OS is really impressive compared to all of the latest Windows releases.

(Note: The Access Excellence Website is now run by the National Institute of Health and still maintains its excellence.)



The websites in these links are part of the learning process in this class, which I teach. These websites are meant for student practice in my class and are not necessarily complete.

301's Website

302's Website

303's Website

304's Website

305's Website

St.Joseph High School, St.Croix, Virgin Islands.

Access Excellence (at the National Health Museum)


© 1996-2003 James A. Petrait